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NGC Bodily Injury Trust

The website will be unavailable begnning at 4:00 PM CST on Thursday, November 30, 2023 due to a scheduled maintenance window.

Administered by Verus Claims Services, LLC

Welcome to the NGC Bodily Injury Trust web site. The NGC Bodily Injury Trust ("NGCBIT") became effective on August 6, 2003 for the purpose of resolving asbestos bodily injury liabilities of the National Gypsum Company. To assist you in filing a claim with NGCBIT, you are encouraged to review the information provided through this web site.

To view information regarding Recent Developments, Website Support Documents, or Claim Facility Documents please login.

If your firm has not registered with the NGCBIT, you may register your firm by selecting the Firm Registration tab and selecting the Register Law Firm link at the bottom of the page. If your firm is registered with the NGCBIT and you need assistance with your User Login and Password, please contact Trust Support.